Bethany Gilot is a National Consultant on anti-human trafficking initiatives ranging from training and direct service provision to state and federal policy. Bethany has over a decade of experience working in the anti-trafficking field both domestically and internationally. Bethany previously served as the Statewide Human Trafficking Prevention Director for Florida’s state child welfare and juvenile justice agencies. In these roles, she worked to strengthen systems of care for trafficked youth. She implemented legislation, created agency policy, and oversaw all state-level efforts to identify and serve minor survivors of human trafficking. In addition to public service, Bethany has worked within NGOs serving survivors of sex trafficking in both Miami, Florida, and West Bengal, India, including both residential and community-based programs.
Bethany has testified for the Florida Legislature, US Congress, and HHS’ Children’s Bureau on human trafficking. She was featured in a Time Magazine article regarding HT in the U.S. as well as a webinar series by Shared Hope International. She co-authored Guiding Principles for Agencies Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking and NHTTAC’s Human Trafficking Community Readiness Guide.
Bethany sits on three national advisory groups on human trafficking and is the Steering Committee Chair for the National Child Welfare Anti-Trafficking Collaborative.