Cherie Jimenez


EVA Center

Cherie Jimenez as an activist and survivor used her own experiences to develop and direct the EVA Center, a survivor-led exit program for women who are caught in systems of prostitution and sex trafficking. Having survived a number of years in the sex trade, Cherie knows first hand the inherent violence and the barriers to getting out. The EVA Center was founded in 2006 by Ms. Jimenez to address the enormous need for specialized exit services and peer support; opening up one of the few survivor-run emergency/safe home programs in the US.  

Ms. Jimenez is also a board member of SPACE, an international group of survivors working towards an eventual end to sexual exploitation through Nordic type legislation, and has presented with other survivor members around the globe since its inception in 2012.

The EVA Center is also a member of CAP, the Coalition to Abolish Prostitution, out of France, which consists of thirty front organizations from eighteen countries around the globe working together to share information, strategies, education, and awareness that will further implementation of the Equality Law.