Jay Benke

Human Trafficking Consultant, owner

Clever Human LLC

Jay Benke is an abduction and child sex trafficking survivor located in Oregon. As a person whose disabilities and LGBTQ2IA+ identity intersect with her survivorship, she brings a unique perspective as she serves the community. She specializes in anti-trafficking advocacy for the disabled, trafficked children and youth, victims of intimate partner violence, people experiencing houselessness, and victims who have been incarcerated. The focus of her work ranges from criminal justice reform to demand reduction to survivor equity and inclusion to harm reduction and trauma-informed care.

Jay is a Human Trafficking Consultant, public speaker, author, producer, mentor, curriculum specialist, content creator, and fact-check editor for both the public and private sectors. She is the creator of The Network, a comprehensive directory of survivors, advocates, allies, and stakeholders who want to conduct business together or shop at survivor-owned businesses and businesses that support survivors. Jay is the owner of Clever Human LLC, her consulting company, one of the founding members of the Sex Trade Survivor Caucus (STSC), an Elevate Academy faculty member, and a Consultant for the Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign. She serves on the Oregon DOJ Human Trafficking Intervention Advisory Committee, is a member of the Oregon DOJ Research & Data Committee, and advisor for the Trafficking Law Center, and is a member of the Multnomah County Community Advisory Board, Executive Committee, and Leadership Council as part of Multnomah County's Sex Trafficking Collaborative. When she's not serving her community, Jay is attending college to become a Cybersecurity Specialist to bring her tech skills into the fight against human trafficking.