Lindsay Casagranda is not only a survivor of the sex trade; she is an advocate for women who are or have been impacted by the commercial sex industry. While LJ has overcome many things, she is most proud of her recovery from drugs and alcohol.
Regardless of the trauma she experienced in the sex trade, it has been her journey in and out that has inspired her to serve others. LJ lives and works in Worcester, Massachusetts to raise awareness in her community about the harms in the sex trade and promotes an Equality Model approach to address the harms victims experience in prostitution. She is one of many survivors in Massachusetts advocating for the “EMMA bill” (Equality Model in MA) who support “An Act To Strengthen Justice and Support for Sex Trade Survivors (H.1761/S.940)”. Lindsay believes it is the services and supports part of this legislation that will support others to find freedom from the sex industry. In addition to her advocacy efforts, LJ volunteers for Safe Exiting Initiative at their drop-in center, Harbor, and works as a Recovery Specialist at Rhodes House, a treatment center for Women.